So, you know if you read my last post, that I should have a lot more upholstery posts! As usual, time has gotten away from me. Mom, hubs and I have completed our first round of classes and have yet to complete our pieces. To say that upholstering a chair is a big undertaking would be a big understatement! I knew it would be a lot of work, but I honestly had NO idea just how involved it is. This is how far I am at this point - apologies for the less than stellar photo!
Even though her makeover isn't complete, she's come a long way from this:
If you are seriously interested in upholstering, you have to take a class. If at all possible, take a class with a professional upholsterer. I would not recommend taking one at a community college or anywhere else that has more than 4 or 5 students per teacher. We will be taking classes from Bill again in the Spring. I am going to finish this chair up and hopefully complete a 2nd chair at that time.
Rather than posting a bunch of instruction/tutorials, I'm just going to put a slideshow and gallery below, so you can actually see some of what happened along the way. If you have specific questions about anything, please feel free to contact me and I'll do my best to answer!
Rather than posting a bunch of instruction/tutorials, I'm just going to put a slideshow and gallery below, so you can actually see some of what happened along the way. If you have specific questions about anything, please feel free to contact me and I'll do my best to answer!
When we start up in the Spring again, I will post a before and after shot of all 3 projects, so you can see what us newbs managed to complete!